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The True Meaning of The Education Revolution

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In our ever-changing world, we need so much more than an education system that acts like an industrial machine. The real answer lies within us—in the collective wisdom of the people—not in the sterile, bureaucratic systems engineered by officials with narrow agendas dictating how we should live. It’s time to shed outdated models and embrace a positive evolution built on the shared experiences of us all.

This approach ensures that the collective thrives not just as a unified entity, but as a dynamic, resilient force composed of empowered, aware individuals. This means we must completely reform our educational system. Instead of producing people who merely pass grades, we need to develop self-reliant individuals who, from a foundation of independence, choose to contribute to the human collective with intention and purpose. In this way, the collective supports the individual, and the individual, in turn, strengthens the global community.

The progress of human civilization over the past 300 years has been remarkable. Our global population has multiplied tenfold, and the way we engage with reality has undergone a complete transformation. The rise of liberal ideologies and capitalism, coupled with the Industrial Revolution, led to the creation of new systems of governance. These systems, backed by enforceable laws, weakened the power once held by clans and extended families—groups that dictated every aspect of their members’ lives, including who they could marry. Instead, these new systems empowered individuals, paving the way for the development of a free economy. Governments were established to rule by law, providing a framework to deliver services to citizens and support the economy.

In response to these societal shifts, a new education system was developed to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving world. However, this system, rooted in industrial-age thinking, has become a mechanism that often narrows minds rather than broadens them. The industrial approach to education—with one teacher instructing 15 to 40 students in a rigid curriculum—has created a reality where people are overly reliant on human systems for their existence while being trained to perform highly specialized tasks. But is this truly the way to build a resilient society? No, it is not. This approach creates a complex machine, not a self-aware society capable of adapting to a changing reality. The global crises we face today, especially the collapse of ecosystems and the climate emergency, are stark consequences of this. We have become prisoners of large systems that lack self-awareness.

In the early years, when children are like blank pages, placing 15 to 40 students in a single classroom is not the answer. Large class sizes are only suitable when students have developed the capability to observe and learn independently, demonstrating their skills through personal projects. This is why homeschooling with a small group of no more than five children during their formative years is so crucial for their development.

Schools need to transition from being industrial-style institutions to spaces that offer knowledge and skills tailored to those ready to learn independently. They should be seen as extensions of the community, serving the needs of people and families first, rather than functioning as tools of the government.

We believe that teachers should embrace their true role as mentors, helping parents learn how to educate their children and offering specialized instruction to already-established homeschooling groups. Our movement is dedicated to providing parents with the resources and guidance they need to effectively teach their children, drawing from the collective wisdom and experience of the parent community.

While we might not yet have a clear blueprint for the future of education, we are forging the right path—one driven by the collective wisdom of people everywhere, rather than by the narrow agendas of a few. The future belongs to a world where every individual’s unique insights and contributions shape our collective progress.

Imagine a social media platform where people from across the globe come together to empower parents in educating their children. This is more than just an idea—it’s a movement that taps into the boundless creativity and knowledge of a global community, setting the stage for a transformative era in education and human development. Together, we can build an educational revolution fueled by the diverse perspectives and contributions of people everywhere, sparking a new dawn for humanity.